After a while, Ariel begins to fall for Ren and breaks up with Chuck, telling him she's sick of him treating her like dirt. In result, he beats her up, bruising her face.Footloose After hearing of Ariel's beaten condition, Moore meets up with Ariel and his wife, Vi, at the church and instantly thinks Ren was the one who had beaten his daughter. When he declares he wants Ren arrested, Ariel tells him that he can't blame everything on Ren just like he did with Bobby, who died in the car crash. She goes on to say how Bobby spent his entire life trying to make him proud but he was never good enough for him; and now no one remembers the good things about Bobby, only the bad. After she bitterly reveals to having lost her virginity, Moore slaps her across the face, prompting Ariel to flee from the church, her mother going after her who tells Moore he's "done enough". Vi is supportive of the movement to allow dancing. She explains to Moore he cannot be everyone's father, and that he is hardly being a good father to Ariel. She also says that dancing and music are not the problem. watch more
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